Standard Works Parking Garage
Smoky Hollow, El Segundo
Structural: Miyamoto
MEP: Shamim Engineering Consultants
Civil: Brandow & Johnston
Landscape: Land Images
The Standard Works parking garage is a necessary keystone in the redevelopment of a 6 acre site known as the “Standard Works” campus, owned by Smoky Hollow Industries. The 400 car garage will support the change of use from existing warehouses to new creative office spaces with increased floor areas. The aesthetics of the garage compliment the existing structures through use of precast and board form concrete and brick textures. The garage is unusual in its design, in that the owner foresees a future where with the rise of self-driving cars and auto-share services, the automobile may one day no longer dominate the streetscape. Rather than provisioning a typical four level ramped parking structure, the owner opted for four flat levels and one exposed ramp so that the parking garage structure has the potential to convert to office space in the future.