Go Forward – Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, California
Design Architect: AJ-A
Structural: DCI
Lighting: HBA
Forward obtained planning approvals for a new retail location on Bedford Drive in the heart of Beverly Hills. The 3,000 square foot space includes 7 high-tech consult rooms, two high-end single occupancy restrooms, and a generous back-of house staff work room. The retail zone exudes an atmosphere of modern comfort through finish accents and retail millwork components adapted from the original Forward design by Alexander Jeremy Architecture LTD.
The floor to ceiling ultra clear laminated glazing is recessed into the street level paving to create a seamless and inviting presence from the pedestrian way. The highly tailored aesthetic and membership based format of Forward’s retail oriented healthcare services blends well with other retail uses along Bedford and enhances the streetscape through unobstructed connection of interior and exterior spaces.